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Sunday, February 18, 2007


Probability Nil, Potential Unlimited: The D.2.O Ticket for President

2008 is racing towards us at full speed.

There are of course the partisans (e.g., Clinton, Edwards, Brownback, Hunter), and there are those who are constructive centrists with which D.2.O adamantly embraces.

It is here and now that the least likely, but most forward-thinking ticket is proposed: Obama-Gingrich.

Get back up from the floor and into your chair, these are not typos. And nor are the reasons why this ticket would truly launch a new politic, a Democracy 2.0:

Barack Obama
Media darling, man of the people. Get past the hype and you're left with a very serious individual who is very serious about improving America.

Newt Gingrich
Media target, a man who has changed. Newt in the 1990s was as partisan as one could get, even bitter and at times aggressive. But the past several years have revealed a person deeply committed to solving large issues in a non-partisan way.

Still not convinced? Then by all means undertake some of your own research and then decide. Both individuals are already D.2.O favorites and are linked along the left pane of your screen.

With Obama as president, American pride and optimism will be reborn and the faith of our allies renewed. With Gingrich as vice president, "third-rail" issues such as healthcare can be solved in a fundamentally different way.

You write very well.
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